Forest drought impacts have been increasing in recent years across the province, in part, due to climate warming, according to Vanessa Foord, M.Sc., P.Ag, a research climatologist with the BC Ministry of Forests (MoF).
Ministry researchers have initiated various forest drought-related research projects to better understand the impacts to climate conditions and the potential increasing risks of drought with future climate change.
Foord is the presenter for Drought in a Changing BC Climate, a Forest Professionals British Columbia (FPBC) webinar. Foord discusses what the MoF has learned and what products and tools are in development, while participants share their observations and concerns regarding drought and climate change.
Foord has been studying climate trends and climate change impacts in northern BC since 2002, primarily in the areas of forest change (drought, pests) and natural disturbances (landslides, permafrost thaw, hydrologic change) with a particular interest in understanding extreme events. She is a member of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, and the Canadian Institute of Forestry.