Renew Your Registration

Deadline for FPBC Registration Renewal

The registration renewal deadline was November 30, 2024. If you did not complete registration by then, your registration was be suspended. A late fee will be applied to registration renewals between December 1, 2024 and January 31, 2025.

Failure to complete all registration renewal requirements by January 31 will result in the cancellation of your FPBC registration. This means you are no longer legally allowed to practise professional forestry in BC and your status on the public register will be changed to ‘cancelled.’

To renew your FPBC registration, go to and follow the steps listed below.

Log-in page for the new registrant portal ( Click on the image to expand)

You need to enter a username; it will be the email address you previously identified with FPBC as your preferred method of contact, and where you receive emails from FPBC, unless you updated it in the past year.

If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password link underneath the log-in boxes.

The system will send a link to your preferred email address to create a new password.

What the email should look like.

(Note: It may take several minutes for the email to arrive. Please check your junk or spam email folder.)

Click on the Reset Password button in the email. You will be prompted to create a new password. Your new password should be seven characters or more. It cannot include the “@” sign but may include any combination of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, or common symbols.

Once logged in you, click the Renewal tab in main menu, then complete each of the steps listed.

Here’s a video, without audio, on how complete your renewal:

The new system does not currently allow you to apply for a change of category (e.g. retire or LOA). To apply for a change of category, visit the Registration Categories page.

Registration categories page.

If you experience difficulty accessing or navigating the new site, email This email box will be monitored between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM on business days. We will attempt to respond to all emails as quickly as possible depending on the volume of requests. If you need immediate assistance, you can reach our registration co-ordinator at 604-913-4691.

If you have questions related to your registration category or changing categories, email