Practice Advisory Program

Forest Professionals BC administers a practice advisory program to provide practice guidance to registrants to assist them in dealing with professional or ethical issues.

The Practice Advisory Program is established for and provides advice for all registrants, from trainees to late career forest professionals. It provides registrants with guidance on interpreting and understanding standards of ethical and professional practice as required by forest professionals in a forestry and natural resource context.

The Practice Advisory Program provides advice on:

  • knowledge, comprehension, and application of professional ethics (the theories and concepts);
  • professional practice and competence standards (the standards) including those established in practice guidance; and
  • integration of professional standards in other legislative and organization activities (How standards and theories are applied in practice).

Practice Advisory Program

The FPBC appoints practice advisors for the purpose of the practice advisory program.

The program utilizes the services of multiple Practice Advisors, including:

  • designated FPBC staff of the practice department who are registered forest professionals;
  • supplemental support provided by forest professional contractors (including contractors hired to support the audit and practice review program); and
  • supplemental support provided by forest professional volunteers (including appointed Practice Stewards, who may be provided a stipend for their service).


For questions on practice advice, email