Contribute to BC Forest Professional
BC Forest Professional Magazine Contributor Guidelines
BC Forest Professional (BCFP) is published four times per year: Winter (January), Spring (April), Summer (July), and Fall (October) and is circulated to approximately 4,500 Registered Professional Foresters, Registered Forest Technologists, associate registrants, trainees, as well as other interested stakeholders.
Purpose of BC Forest Professional
BC Forest Professional magazine is written for and targeted at FPBC registrants. It has three primary goals:
Editorial Process
Features, case studies, research updates, science in action, and opinion articles are reviewed by an editorial advisory panel comprised of FPBC registrants and the editor of BCFP. The editorial advisory panel provides feedback and suggestions for improving the article.
The editor will work with the article author to address concerns and issues raised by the advisory panel. Authors are expected to receive the advisory panel feedback professionally and non-judgementally and work with the editor in a collegial and collaborative manner to revise the article so it meets the standards acceptable for publication in BCFP.
The following criteria are considered:
Submission Guidelines
Writers’ Recognition
We are unable to pay authors for the articles we publish; however, all article and case study submissions are eligible for the annual BC Forest Professional Best Article Award, which recognize outstanding contributions. This award is presented during the FPBC annual forestry conference and AGM.
Questions: If you are interested in submitting an article and want feedback on the relevance of your story idea, and/or how to craft your piece, please contact the editor.