Contribute to BC Forest Professional

BC Forest Professional Magazine Contributor Guidelines

BC Forest Professional (BCFP) is published four times per year: Winter (January), Spring (April), Summer (July), and Fall (October) and is circulated to approximately 4,500 Registered Professional Foresters, Registered Forest Technologists, associate registrants, trainees, as well as other interested stakeholders.

Purpose of BC Forest Professional

BC Forest Professional magazine is written for and targeted at FPBC registrants. It has three primary goals:

  • Contribute to FPBC registrant ongoing competency by providing articles spotlighting the latest research, case studies, and information relating to the practice of professional forestry;
  • Keep FPBC registrants informed of news, bylaws, requirements, and professional issues that may affect their registration and/or practice; and
  • Provide FPBC registrants with a vehicle in which they can express in a respectful and professional manner their opinions and contribute to collegial debate on issues affecting the practice of professional forestry.

Editorial Process

Features, case studies, research updates, science in action, and opinion articles are reviewed by an editorial advisory panel comprised of FPBC registrants and the editor of BCFP. The editorial advisory panel provides feedback and suggestions for improving the article.

The editor will work with the article author to address concerns and issues raised by the advisory panel. Authors are expected to receive the advisory panel feedback professionally and non-judgementally and work with the editor in a collegial and collaborative manner to revise the article so it meets the standards acceptable for publication in BCFP.

The following criteria are considered:

  • The topic is relevant and of interest to our readers.
  • The article must be well organized, flow logically, and offer a unique or interesting point of view. Ensure you present a question or problem, discuss it, and then offer a potential solution.
  • Readers must benefit from reading your article; they must learn something new. The article should meet one of the magazine’s four goals.

Submission Guidelines

  • Maximum word count: 350.
  • The letters section is for readers responding to recent articles or letters and for brief statements about current professional forestry-related issues.
  • The editor reserves the right to edit and condense letters.
  • We do not publish open letters to third parties.
  • Letters must adhere to standards of fairness, accuracy, legality, and the FPBC Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct.
  • Opinions must be presented in a professional and respectful manner.
  • Anonymous letters and letters that are unduly critical of individuals, organizations, FPBC registrants, and/or the FPBC Board or staff are not accepted.
  • Maximum word count: 1,200
  • Feature articles must be on issues relevant to the profession of forestry and our readers.
  • Priority is given to articles written by FPBC registrants.
  • Submissions should include high resolution photos and short biographies (50 words max.) of all authors.
  • Accompanying images are encouraged.
  • Maximum word count: 1,200.
  • Though not a science journal, we do publish articles about forestry-related research. Submissions should explain the research and relate it to our readers.
  • Submissions must include high resolution photos and short biographies (50 words max.) of all authors.
  • Accompanying high resolution images are encouraged.
  • Maximum word count: 1,200.
  • Opinion articles must be on issues relevant to the profession of forestry and our readers.
  • Submissions must adhere to standards of fairness, accuracy, legality, and civility.
  • Opinions must be presented in a professional and respectful manner.
  • Submissions must include high resolution photos and short biographies (50 words max.) of all authors.
  • Accompanying high resolution images are encouraged.
  • Maximum word count: 350.
  • It is very important to FPBC registrants to receive word of the passing of a colleague. The editorial team relies on FPBC registrants and/or family members to provide obituaries for publication.
  • Submissions should include a high resolution image.
  • Word count: Maximum word counts are provided for each submission category. Letter, article, case study, and obituary submissions may not be published if they exceed the maximum word count.
  • Submission format: Submissions must be in Word (DOC or DOCX) format.
  • Image requirements: Submit your digital, colour photos saved as JPG or TIF files. Ensure you have the rights to use any images you submit. They must be print quality (at least 300 dpi). Ensure your camera is set on ‘high’ or ‘fine’ to ensure the best quality. Send your image(s) as an email attachment. Do not embed them in a Word document.

Note: If you are planning on submitting an article, contact the editor as soon as possible before the due date.

Article due dates

  • Spring 2025 draft article submission due date: January 2, 2025.
  • Summer 2025 draft article submission due date: March 31, 2025.
  • Fall 2025 draft article submission due date: June 30, 2025.

Letter and obituary due dates

  • Winter 2025 letter and obituary due date: November 12, 2024.
  • Spring 2025 letter and obituary due date: February 10, 2025.
  • Summer 2025 letter and obituary due date: May 12, 2025.
  • Fall 2025 letter and obituary due date: August 11, 2025.

Writers’ Recognition

We are unable to pay authors for the articles we publish; however, all article and case study submissions are eligible for the annual BC Forest Professional Best Article Award, which recognize outstanding contributions. This award is presented during the FPBC annual forestry conference and AGM.

Questions: If you are interested in submitting an article and want feedback on the relevance of your story idea, and/or how to craft your piece, please contact the editor.