BC Forest Professional Magazine

BC Forest Professional (BCFP) is published four times per year: Winter (January), Spring (April), Summer (July), and Fall (October) and is circulated to approximately 4,500 Registered Professional Foresters, Registered Forest Technologists, associate registrants, trainees, as well as other interested stakeholders.

If you are interested in contributing an article, case study, or letter, check out our guidelines for submissions.

BCFP is written for and targeted at Forest Professionals BC (FPBC) registrants. It has three primary goals:

  • Contribute to FPBC registrant ongoing competency by providing articles spotlighting the latest research, case studies, and information relating to the practice of professional forestry;

  • Keep FPBC registrants informed of news, bylaws, requirements, and professional issues that may affect their registration and/or practice; and

  • Provide FPBC registrants with a vehicle in which they can express in a respectful and professional manner their opinions and contribute to collegial debate on issues affecting the practice of professional forestry.

FPBC Registrants

If you need to update your mailing address or cancel your subscription to BCFP, you can manage your communications preferences on the Manage My Account page (log-in required).

Publishing Information

Circulation: 4,500 (January 2024)

Frequency: four editions per year
Winter (January), Spring (April), Summer (July), and Fall (October)

The opinions expressed in BC Forest Professional are those of the article or letter author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of FPBC, FPBC Board, or staff.


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BC Forest Professional magazine contributor guidelines.

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