Forest Professionals Follow Standards Set by FPBC

FPBC standards include overarching ethical and professional conduct standards, as well as forest resource activity and specific practice and competency standards. This section provides information on FPBC-issued standards, as well as supporting practice guidance and the use of professional discretion.

FPBC Registration

Provincial legislation requires that only those who are registered with Forest Professionals British Columbia (FPBC) are legally allowed to practice professional forestry in BC.

Standards & Practice Guidelines

Learn more about FPBC’s Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct and forest resource practice standards.

Practice Areas

Professional forestry practice areas are subsets within the general practice of professional forestry and include work, activities, and tasks which can only be undertaken by registered forest professionals:

The Increment Newsletter

The Increment is our e-newsletter, sent to all FPBC registrants. It provides timely and important information on FPBC business activities, professional development and volunteer opportunities, and other news of value to practising forest professionals.

BC Forest Professional Magazine

BC Forest Professional (BCFP) is our quarterly magazine with articles and case studies on the latest trends and best practices in professional forestry.