Hear the story of an enduring 30-year partnership in natural resource management, research, and education between Tl’azt’en Nation and the University of Northern British Columbia.
This Forest Professionals British Columbia (FPBC) webinar discusses the evolution of the First Nation and university partnership and elements that served to strengthen it, the development of Tl’azt’en’s wildlife monitoring program and some of its findings as they apply to forest management planning, and the establishment of a long-term climate change adaptive silviculture trial featuring various levels of partial cutting.
You will also learn about the John Prince Research Forest (JPRF) long-term wildlife monitoring program and some of findings that provide guidance in incorporating biodiversity objectives in forest management planning, as well as the development of the climate-change adaptive silviculture trial, including considerations for prescriptions and implementation that can inform its own silviculture programs.
Audience: Forestry professionals.
Sue Grainger, RPF.