From the 2022 FPBC conference, hear from a diverse array of regional and international speakers who highlight how advances in the filed of genomics and biodiversity are shaping our natural resources and associated communities considering climate change.
- Brigitte Baptiste Ballera, biologist and chancellor, Universidad Ean, Colombia;
- Danielle Ignace, PhD, professor, Indigenous natural sciences, Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia;
- Federica Di Palma, PhD, chief scientific officer and vice-president, sectors, Genome British Columbia;
- Germán Poveda, PhD, profesor titular, National University of Colombia, UNAL, Departamento de Geociencias y Medio Ambiente;
- Jörg Bohlmann, PhD, professor and associate director, Michael Smith Laboratories, University of British Columbia;
- Kerry Turner, DSc(HC), CBE, FRSA, HonFCIWEM, professorial fellow, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, and director, CSERGE Research Centre;
- Marie Vance, research scientist, FLNRORD; and
- Rahul Singh, PhD, senior sector manager, agrifood and natural resources, Genome British Columbiatural Resource Operation and Rural Development.