Introduction to Conflict Management for Forest Professionals
Introduction to Conflict Management for Forest Professionals is an FPBC e-course that aims to prepare you to better understand and manage conflict in your professional life.
This, in turn, will help you to meet your professional obligations under the Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct, specifically Standard 2: Independence, Standard 5: Integrity; and Standard 8: Professionalism.
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- describe professional roles and responsibilities when engaging with conflict in professional forestry;
- articulate how personal values, life experiences, and culture affects perspectives in conflict;
- explain what conflict is and how it occurs in a system;
- situate yourself and your role within a conflict system;
- describe the use of dialogue as a conflict management strategy;
- apply the concept of reflective practice to continuous professional development in the areaof conflict management;
- develop a continuing professional development plan for conflict skills.
This e-course takes about six hours to complete and was developed by Cynthia Lu, RPF, P.Ag, and John Cathro, RPF, in collaboration with Casey Macaulay, MA, RPF, FPBC registrar and director of act compliance, and Troy Lee, BSc.F, MA, FPBC manager, member competence and engagement.