Registered Professional Foresters

To practise professional forestry in BC, as defined by Forest Professionals Regulation under the Professional Governance Act (PGA), you must be registered with FPBC.

Registered Professional Foresters (RPF) are responsible for looking after the forests, forest lands, and forest resources of BC, along with other forest professionals.

  • The functions and accountabilities of an RPF are generally more broadly defined than other forest professionals and tend to address forest- and landscape-level issues, including the design of complex forest management regimes to achieve long-term outcomes.
  • RPFs are also called upon to make decisions, such as when, where, and how to harvest and reforest areas; how to rehabilitate ecosystems to ensure the protection of forest values, including fish, wildlife, and water.
  • To be a RPF requires a bachelor of science in forestry, or a different science-based degree in natural resource management, specializing in forestry.

Process to Become an RPF

Determine if you are eligible to apply for one of our Forester in Training programs to become a Registered Professional Forester (RPF).

How to Apply to the FIT Program

For individuals who have completed a Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board (CFAB) accredited degree program within the past 10 years

How to Apply to the ASFIT Program

For individuals who have completed post-secondary degree programs in forestry or related fields.