Natural Resource Professionals

To practise professional forestry in BC, as defined by the Forest Professionals Regulation under the Professional Governance Act, you must be registered with Forest Professionals BC (FPBC).

Natural Resource Professionals (NRP), along with other professional members of the forestry team, are responsible for caring for the forests of BC.

An NRP is are part of the subcategory of associate registrants under Section 5.6 (1) of FPBC Bylaw 5

NRP Scope of Practice

NRPs are authorized to engage independently only in aspects of the practice of professional forestry, to the extent consistent with their education, training, and experience, as identified and described in sections (a) to (d) below.

a) The following activities:

  • planning for inventory, classification, conservation, and protection;
  • advising on inventory, classification, conservation, protection, enhancement, harvesting, valuation, and rehabilitation;
  • engaging in inventory, classification, conservation, enhancement and protection;
  • reporting on inventory, classification, conservation, protection and enhancement.

b) The preparation, review and amendment of professional documents.

c) Assessing the impact of professional forestry activities to:

  • verify that those activities have been carried out as planned, directed or advised;
  • confirm that the goals, objectives or commitments that relate to those activities have been met; or
  • advise corrective action as required to conserve, protect, rehabilitate or enhance the forests, forest lands, forest resource or forest ecosystems.

d) Auditing, examining, and verifying the results of activities involving the practice of professional forestry and the attainment of goals and objectives identified in or under professional documents.

(Subsections (c) to (d) are limited to activities relating to inventory, classification, conservation, protection, and enhancement.)

Process to Become a Natural Resource Professional

  • apply to become a temporary registrant–trainee (TNRP);
  • complete the FPBC education program requirements including work experience.

This information will help you determine if you are eligible to apply for the Trainee Natural Resource Professional (TNRP) program.

To become a practising NRP registrant with FPBC you must:

Individuals who want become practising NRPs must have graduated from one of these listed programs. Graduates of the listed programs are also eligible for the Allied Science Forester in Training (ASFIT) program, which leads to the Registered Professional Forester (RPF) designation.

(*Completion of specific courses required, check link.)

All individuals who want to apply for registration as a trainee registrant must complete the eligibility assessment. This process assesses your academic background and work experience to determine if you are eligible to apply for registration with FPBC.

If you are determined to be eligible, you will be invited to submit an application for registration.

Complete FPBC Education Program Requirements

Once your registration as a trainee has been approved, you will automatically be enrolled in an FPBC education program. During your enrolment as a trainee, you must complete the following before your trainee registration expires:

  • six education modules in the FPBC online learning management system;
  • articling requirements including work experience;
  • Completing all the education program requirements takes up to 48 months.

Become a Practising Natural Resource Professional

Once you have completed all your registration requirements, we will forward the approval of your NRP designation to the board. Upon approval:

  • You will receive the NRP title and designation.
  • You will be entitled to practise professional forestry in BC as noted in the NRP Scope of Practice section.
  • You will be required to meet the requirements for NRP registration.
  • You will be sent and official Certificate of Accreditation.
  • You will be able to order your designation stamp/seal, and/or digital signature.
  • You will be formally inducted to FPBC at our annual conference.

The NRP designation is limited to graduates of the listed programs only. Graduates of the listed programs are also eligible for the Allied Science Forester in Training (ASFIT) program, which leads to the Registered Professional Forester (RPF) designation.


Contact the registration department.