Regulatory Partners
FPBC collaborates with other regulators and organizations on related professionals matters:
Applied Science Technologists and Technicians (ASTTBC) is a partner regulatory body established under the Professional Governance Act (PGA). FPBC and ASTTBC have joint statement of understanding that outlines their history of collaboration and commitment to ensuring the appropriate utilization of professional titles and areas of professional practice.
BC Ministry of Forests and FPBC are regulatory partners in forest stewardship. The ministry is responsible for the legislation and policy related to forest management in BC; this includes the Forest and Range Practices Act, which sets forest practices and regulations that rely upon the professional judgement and services of forest professionals for their implementation.
College of Applied Biologists is a partner regulatory body also established under the PGA. FPBC and CAB have a collaboration agreement together, and jointly administer an Applied Biology and Forestry Environment Practice Panel.
Engineers and GeoScientists BC is a partner regulatory body also established under the PGA. FPBC and EGBC have a memorandum of understanding together, and jointly administer an Engineering, Forestry and Geoscience Joint Practice Panel.
Forest Practices Board is an independent agency of the BC government that investigates forest practices of companies and evaluates the effectiveness of the Forest and Range Practices Act, among other work. FPBC regularly meets with the Forest Practices Board to discuss emerging trends and matters in forest management.
The Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance (OSPG) oversees the governance of regulatory bodies (including FPBC) that are designated under the PGA.
WorksafeBC works with FPBC to help ensure the safety of the public and forest professionals. Some sections of the Workers Compensation Act and OHS Regulation have associated policies and guidelines that impact the use and role of forest professionals.