Role of the Board

The FPBC Board governs, controls, and administers the affairs of Forest Professionals BC (FPBC) and is composed of 12 people:

  • seven registrant board members, including the chair and vice-chair;

  • the immediate past-chair (non-voting position); and

  • four board members at large who are not FPBC registrants and who are appointed by the lieutenant-governor in council.

All board members serve three-year terms.

The purpose and role of the board is to govern FPBC by:

  • Providing Guidance and Direction – this involves setting the mission, vision, strategic goals, core values, governing principles of FPBC. It also involves working to identify and address strategic issues likely to have a material impact on FPBC or the registrants it exists to serve.

  • Establishing Standards of Organizational Conduct – this involves setting standards that everyone in FPBC must follow, and setting policy limits about how the work of FPBC is to be carried out.
    The board endorses bylaws that include standards every registrant must meet including entrance standards (Bylaw 5, 6); standards of ethical and professional conduct (Bylaw 9, Schedule A); practice and competence standards for forest resource activities (Bylaw 9 – Schedule B); and continuing competence standards (Bylaw 10). The board also sets governance policies that provide specific direction and parameters to guide FPBC business programs in addition to the direction set in bylaws.

  • Providing Organizational Oversight of FPBC’s Business Operations – the board is responsible to recruit, hire, and monitor the performance of the Chief Executive Officer and maintain broad oversight of the management, administration, and operations of functions and programs of FPBC.

  • Protecting FPBC’s Interests – the board monitors and mitigates key risks of FPBC; ensures transparent annual reporting on the key outcomes and performance of the business, and works to ensure the board is high functioning with strong governance practices.

  • Ensuring FPBC’s Financial Health and Sustainability – the board approves budgets that meet operational and strategic requirements and comply with set policy, as well as approving the annual auditing process.

  • Maintaining knowledge of, and a relationship with, FPBC stakeholders and partners – the board is often involved in both the development and execution of plans for engagement with stakeholders and partners.

For more information about council governance, please review the Board Governance Policy.

Running for the FPBC Board

The nominations committee administers the process for nomination of registrants, who are qualified, for election to the board. Learn more about qualifications to become a registrant board member and the nomination process in the terms of reference for the nomination committee.

Learn how to apply to become a lay board member through the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office.